14 Jul 5 Equitable Production Principles #CAEquityStandards
Although the state is providing Rental Assistance there is still a greater need for additional housing production!
Renters matter, people with low incomes matter, and everyone’s home is of value. It’s one thing to TALK about equity, but the true test is what we DO! Equitable housing policies exist for a reason – California’s state and local leaders must follow them.
California’s shortage of affordable and habitable housing is a primary driver of homelessness, displacement, economic distress, and health inequities in our state. California must create more housing AT THE SAME TIME it ensures that new development adheres to minimum equity standards using these 5 Equitable Production Principles. #CAEquityStandards
Social Media Toolkit for “Housing”
For more, read this letter to @cagovernor @gavinnewsom, @SenToniAtkins, and @Rendon63rd outlining the Five Principles: